Anonymous Steel (Texture Experiment)

mindfield banner experimentHaving gone for richness of color and surreal tone in the Otherland Ruins concept art, I decided to swing the pendulum far to the opposite direction in creating something dark and industrial as a textural experiment. Beginning with a grainy shot of two Guy Fawkes masks hanging above an old cassette deck, I stripped out the color and applied a muted blue filter before overlaying a macro shot of plate steel that had been hammered and scored. Behind these layers, I set a third of warped steel beams before finalizing the image through adjustments in opacity, filtering, sharpness and blend modes.

Though I created the image for possible inclusion in a music video, I also thought a cropped version (featured here, not to dimension) could work as a Facebook banner image for a metal band. To better illustrate the effect, I set the cropped version with a fictitious band name.